The single-player perspective highlights objectives that consist of problems in between UNITED STATE Marines, China as well as the unscientificMiddle Eastern Coalition The video game takes place in different fronts, as the Middle East as well as China are being struck by United States as well as EU powers, as well as the United States is being struck by Chinese as well as MEC powers. The tale takes place in the 21st century throughout an unscientific global battle. Discharged on June 21, 2005, Battlefield 2 is an unbelievable open globe FPS shooter task video game dispersed by EA. War area 2 is the 3rd section in the Battlefield setup.

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By playing the game on ranked servers, players are able to add to their global player statistics. Battlefield 2-Free Download PC Games-Full Version PC Games Laptop Games NoteBook Games Android Games Crack Patch Rip ISO APK GAME GRATIS.

Progress in the game is made via promotions which allow additional weapons to be unlocked.

Additional factions are playable through the expansion packs, such as the European Union. Players can choose to play as the United States Marine Corps, the People's Liberation Army, or the "Middle Eastern Coalition". Single-player mode allows 16 computer-controlled players while Internet mode allows up to 64 players. Both player modes use the same maps and use Battlefield 's conquest game mode. A single-player mode with three difficulty levels is included. Battlefield 2 is a multiplayer video game played via the Internet or on a local area network.